Doing Business
The Wessex Pictures web site is constantly evolving taking on board all comments from our customer's suggestions on what they would like from a web site.
Features now include on line ordering, up to date prices, 2nd hand machinery, latest industry news and the launch of new products.
ONLINE ORDERING - This will enable customers to browse through our complete range of products adding them to their order as they go. When the order is complete it will be automatically e-mailed to our sales line and processed, it will then be confirmed by your local branch.
UP TO DATE PRICES - As in most businesses price guides are out of date as soon as they are printed. Our new web site will be constantly updated as soon as any price changes occur. This will enable you to check on prices if price is of a sensitive nature.
2ND HAND MACHINERY - Images of all the 2nd hand machinery the group has to offer will be available along with prices and detailed information. These will be offered on a first come fi rst served basis.
LATEST INDUSTRY NEWS - With this we will be making you aware of any developments that happen and keeping you abreast of any news.
LAUNCH OF NEW PRODUCTS - As we bring out new products they will appear on our site enabling you to order them straight away rather than waiting for a visit from your sales representative or a visit to your nearest showroom.
We hope that you find the new web site interesting, informative and useful in running your framing business.